
AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE is once again awarded the Tier 1 photovoltaic module manufacturer

Source:AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAERelease time:2018-08-08 Page view:15229

In the latest PV module manufacturer rating system of Bloomberg NewEnergy Finance (BNEF) in the third quarter of 2018, AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE was once again successfully awarded Tier 1 PV module manufacturer.

BNEF has created a rating system for photovoltaic module manufacturers based on the degree of approval for financing by the bank. Tier 1, as an important reference for the financing level of manufacturing brands in the photovoltaic industry, makes the differences between hundreds of photovoltaic module manufacturers in the market more transparent.

The rating system is divided into three levels, among which the tier 1 manufacturers have the strictest evaluation criteria. Enterprises are required to prove that they can provide their own brands and products for six different projects, which must obtain non-recourse financing from six different commercial banks. Meanwhile, BNEF only takes photovoltaic projects with a capacity of more than 1.5MW into consideration.

The defending of awarding of AG一飞冲天游戏300倍-SAAE will strongly promote the sales of photovoltaic modules and help the company achieve its annual goals!


Text/photo Wen Jie Shen Zhenjue